
Letter from Chris to Reida


January 13th, 2022

Dear Grandmother,

I hope this letter finds you of sound mind and in the loving embrace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I want you to know that I did not write this letter with any malice or ill-will, I write it only to make sure you clearly understand what the attached Claim is. It’s a stick of dynamite. If you pursue it, it won’t only destroy your family, but it will forever damage all future generations. That is why I have sent a copy of this letter to everyone, so that the truth can be known by all after the fallout. I can’t imagine this has to do with money, because I’ve never known you to be the type of person who would be so consumed by greed that they would wish to take millions of dollars from anyone, especially your sons widow. I’ve never known you to hold a debt over anyone, because in your life long study of Jesus’ teachings you would know that we’re called to forgive our debtors, just as our debts have been forgiven. You would also know that anyone who desires to have $4 million would not be trusting in God, but seeking their own fortified city. You would know that a heart that desires great riches, especially at the expense of someone else, would never be able to inherit the Kingdom of God. You need to understand that if you pursue this, your entire legacy will be lost. This will be the only act out of the long and bountifully fruitful life that you will be remembered for. There are a series of questions that I think you should ask yourself before you proceed. If Grandad was still alive right now, would he have signed those papers with you? If your beloved son Frank was still alive right now, would you sue him for $4 million? That’s essentially what you’re doing. Lastly, would Jesus do this? This treachery will far outlive you, causing a permanent rift filled with hate and derision between all who are involved. I can say this with confidence as an outsider who is not involved and who you have always trusted. I have nothing to gain or to lose in writing this letter except to try to keep in tact the character and honor of a woman who I have always loved and who has been a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ all of my life. Remember, the minute you put a price on your character, it’s worth nothing and ill gotten gains will never be anything but poison to all who indulge in them. I will always love you and my house will always be open to you.

With Love, your Grandson,

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